One sure fire way to add excitement to a summer day when you think it's just too scorching to go outside is by having a water balloon fight. This is a great way to stave off boredom and you'll be sure to feel like a kid again while getting some fun exercise.
A water balloon fight is a great pastime on a hot summer day. Here's a great way to set up a water balloon fight that everyone will enjoy.
You Will Need
* Balloons
* Water
* Buckets
* Friends
* And a place to play
Step 1: Buy balloons
Buy balloons. Look for medium-size ones that won't break too easily. Plan on a few dozen for each player.
Step 2: Fill balloons
Fill the balloons with water, and tie them shut. Place the filled balloons into buckets.
Filling balloons with water can take a while; ask friends to help.
Step 3: Play water balloon dodgeball
Try playing dodgeball, only with water balloons. Divide your group into teams and stand facing each other.
Step 4: Start the game
When the signal is given, everyone starts throwing their balloons at the opposing team.
Water balloons can sting upon impact. Protect your face.
Step 5: Earn points
When someone is hit, the other team scores a point.
To make it easier to keep score, you can have individuals face off against each other, one-on-one, taking turns throwing.
Step 6: Finish the game
Play until all the balloons are gone, the members of one team have all been hit, or a certain number of points have been reached.
Step 7: Use the leftover balloons
Once the official game is over, everybody can grab the leftover balloons and throw them at whomever they want.
Step 8: Clean up
Pick up all the burst balloons. Leave the space clean for next time!
Nearly 3,000 people threw more than 55,000 balloons during the world's largest water balloon fight, staged in Australia.
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