Remember Seven Up? No..not the soft drink..the game! Seven Up is a popular game in school classrooms all over the country. It is great for all ages and super easy to learn, so check out this video and start having fun at school!
You Will Need
• A classroom with desks
• A group of 14 or more players
• A teacher
Step 1: Choose player
Choose seven players to be "it." Have them stand in the front of the room. The remaining players will sit at their desks.
Step 2: Pick a person
Say "heads down, thumbs up – time to play seven up" if you are the teacher.
Step 3: Put thumbs up
Put your head down and your thumb up if you are a player.
Step 4: Pick a person
Pick one player within one minute if you are "it." Pick players by touching their raised thumbs. Chosen players lower their thumbs when they are touched.
Make sure everyone has their head on their desk so they cannot cheat by looking at your shoes as you walk by to tap them.
Step 5: Return to front
Return to the front of the class when you are done picking. The teacher then says "heads up, seven up." The players who had their thumbs touched stand up.
Step 6: Stand up and guess
The players who had their thumbs touched stand and take one guess which player touched their thumbs. If they guess right, they switch with the person who touched their thumb. If not, the player who chose them gets to be it again.
Step 7: Continue playing
Continue playing until everyone gets a chance to be it.
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